Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Randomness

Remember my quest to find tomato pincushions? At The Container Store I bought a jar to hold my collection. I'm not sure if I like the green tomato or not. Saw this flag while walking the streets of NYC. I immediately thought of my loyal blog reader in London.
For years I've been wanting to stop on the side of the road & take a picture of the Amish hay stacks. This Saturday was the day. My father would have loved to see these pictures. Once I saw two Amish girls building a stack. Would be neat to be able to watch the entire process.

Last week was a day I never thought would come, I received a check from the county probation department for just over half the cost of Agent 99. Out of the three boys that were charged only one is working & making restitution. If the other two become employed they will then pay back their third to the first boy and so on.

Did I say Spring Randomness? This is what we woke up to yesterday!

Wish someone offered me a ride to Memphis, I would go! That's assuming I could get a ticket.

1 comment:

lilpoppy said...

I would go also! Glad they are playing at night, don't have to worry about the next plan to get out of work!