Friday, October 24, 2008

Head of The Charles Part 3 of 3

I've always hoped to see an Olympic Medal.
While Mau & I were walking around the regatta village I spotted a girl in an Olympic uniform and noticed a medal around her neck. When I mentioned her to Mau she said she noticed the words "Beijing 2008." I could not let the opportunity pass me by. I asked for her photograph & one of the medal, a Gold Medal.
Her name is Susan Francia, she is a rower and is pictured here with her coach. She was not at all put out with me asking for the pictures, thankfully, in fact, she was happy to do it.

What a year! First the Stanley Cup and now an Olympic Medal and a GOLD at that.


Unknown said...

That's awesome!!

That is a lot cooler then the Stanley Cup only because that cup was associated with Howard.

lilpoppy said...

Wow, how cool is that! I would have loved to been able to see the Gold Medal!

Anonymous said...

Susan Francia is the rower's name.

Amie said...

OMG! I am so jealous! I always wanted to just see/touch one...did you get to touch it too?